(prompt "Would you like Garshneblanker to open its window on startup?")
(help "This will set the CX_POPUP tooltype to YES or NO depending on your "
"response. This tooltype dictates whether or not Garshneblanker opens "
"it's window when it first runs.")
(default 1)
(set cxPopUp "YES")
(set popUpMsg "Garshneblanker will automatically bring up its interface after you have run it.")
(set cxPopUp "NO")
(set popUpMsg ("Garshneblanker will not automatically bring up its interface after you have run it. You will have to press the %s key-combination to make the interface come up." @default-popkey))
("\nGarshneblanker is now installed in your %s directory. You can run it by double clicking on its icon. %s\n\nIf you have any questions at all, feel free to contact me via e-mail at:\n\nmbayne@qualcomm.com" @default-dest popUpMsg)